The semester fee you pay also includes the cost of your semester ticket. Are you in a difficult financial situation or are you otherwise prevented from using your ticket? Then you are entitled to apply for a refund of the cost of the semester ticket.
All other special cases for reimbursement can be found on the application form.
Download Application formDeadlines:
Winter semester: October 31
Summer semester: April 15
In case of de-registration:
Winter semester: January 31
Summer semester: July 31
If you have any further questions, please contact Hicham Wahidi directly by e-mail at the following address
For legal reasons, we are unfortunately only allowed to accept applications by post (not by e-mail!) The processing time can take up to 8 weeks.
Are you in a difficult financial situation and struggling to make ends meet?
Download Application formDeadlines:
Winter semester: September 1 to January 31
Summer semester: March 1 to July 31
If you have any further questions, please contact Hicham Wahidi directly by e-mail at the following address
For legal reasons, we are unfortunately only allowed to accept applications by post (not by e-mail!) The processing time can take up to 8 weeks.