By students for students - like a trade union, we represent your interests during your studies.
We promote cultural life on campus, get involved socially and politically and advise you where you need help.
As a student, you can cycle for free with Nextbike in Mönchengladbach and many other cities.
We offer all students free admission to the theatres in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach. Grab your ticket!
Together with the university, we promote the sports programme on and around the campus.
We will advise you on all topics relating to your studies. We are determined to find a solution together.
You are an international student? You have any questions regarding studying and living in Germany?
Are you having problems financing your studies or do you want to get a better grip on your finances?
Our Being Queer support group provides support and information on all topics relating to LGBTQ+
We regularly organise events of various kinds in our event locations in Krefeld and Mönchengladbach
We sensitize students to the issues of sustainability, climate change, resource scarcity and more.
We work towards an inclusive and non-discriminatory environment for all students.
We advise you on housing and rent and mediate in the event of a conflict with the landlord.
Here you will find current job advertisements, internships and privately-owned flats.
Would you like to volunteer alongside your studies? Then send us an e-mail with your idea!
We need your support on social media. This is the only way we can continue to reach students, help us with our mission and connect with us!