International Office

If you are an international student at HS-Niederrhein and have any questions, problems, or just feel lonely, do not hesitate to contact us!

We can help you finding an apartment, a job, an internship, or accompany you, if you need a translator for an appointment.

If you have any trouble with your study, a landlord, your boss, a German Agency, the law or encounter difficulties with the German language or culture, we will help you.

If you do not know what to do in your free-time or if you feel home-sick, because of the new culture and environement in Germany, please let us know!

We are also always open for suggestions for new activities, like cooking meals from your home country or whatever you want to do to and are looking forward to hearing new ideas from you.

We offer a consultation hour in the AStA-Office in Mönchengladbach, and we can always make an appointment if you contact me under my Email-Address.




Häufig gestellte Fragen


I need help, how can I get it?

Write me an email: or come to one of our offices!


What kind of help can i get?

We can help you with any problem you might encounter. Do not hesitate to contact us!If the problem relates to your study, the office of your study department may also be helpful.


What do I need to know about living expenses?

For one year you are required to have 11208€ (934€ per month) in advance in a blocked account. This means you can only cash out 934€ a month. Most banks offer to open such an account on their homepage.


What do I need to know about Visa requirements?

To expand your Visa you have to make an appointment at your local foreigners authority (Ausländerbehörde) in the city you live in.You will need to show proof of:

  • 11208€ in a blocked bank account
  • your registration certificate of the city: You can get it after making an appointment at yourlocal registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt), once you moved to Germany
  • your rental contract
  • your health-insurance
  • your certificate of Study

Contact us, if you need a translator for the appointment!


What do I need to know about living in Germany?

Most students live in student dormitories or in a shared flat. Student dormitories are listed here The most popular homepage for shared flats in Germany is If you have troubles finding an accomodation, you can ask us for help.


Culture & International service from Studierendenwerk Düsseldorf

The Studierendenwerk organises versatile events to promote international exchange and cultural interests. These include international student exchange programmes (CROUS Nantes and Warsaw University of Technology), theatre projects, exhibitions, cultural events and readings. You can find out more by following this link.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

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